Nancy Stasiak


 Looking for a Career Change?

     If So. . .

 We are looking for hard working individuals that are self-starters, self-motivated, coachable, honest, looking for a career working from home, wants to have fun and motivated to make Money! There is no selling involved

To Apply or Get Details:

  1. Simply Contact Nancy Stasiak at:                     727-365-5488
  2. or, Fax your resume to: 866-593-1842
(If you are a referral, please let me know the Agent who referred you)

You will need the following to qualify. . .

  1. Any type of State Licence, or. . .
  2. A Background check from your area police department on their letterhead...this takes 10 to 15 minutes to stop in and request a background check and it's no cost to you.
Cost to You?

 The only cost associated to getting started is for copying or printing of the forms which is a very small cost to you. You may chose to get business cards, but it's not something you need to do immediately. Therefore the cost to get started is very, very small compared to the amount of income you can generate.

I've found that luck is quite predictable. If you want more luck, take more chances. Be more active. Show up more often.

Brian Tracy

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